Hi and welcome! Now.. who am I?
My name is Pearl I’m a freelance artist, I create custom fursuits and kigurumis. I also make everything from original art, custom bags, cosplay accessories, apparel and much more. I live in Sweden and I speak both swedish and english. I occasionally attend conventions such as Närcon and Nordic FuzzCon and sell things I’ve made. I post all the upcoming events I plan to attend on my website.
My main occupation is working as a full time freelance artist. Before this I worked with web design for over 10 years.
When I’m not working I’m either drawing, sewing, drinking coffee (way too much) or gaming.
I love movies and tv-series. Most of the time it's either sci-fi, fantasy or comedy. Many of them give me inspiration for my creations.
The picture is of me and my Artist Alley table at ComicCon Stockholm 2018.
Where can you see my art and crafts?
I use my Instagram for the most part to share my work. I also have a Facebook page.Listen to my journey into the furry fandom (in swedish)
I got the opportunity to be on the Swedish podcast P3 Verkligheten.

You can also listen to the episode on P3 Verkligheten's official website.