Commission information

I focus mainly on custom partial fursuits including heads, hands, tails and feet. I do not offer fullsuit/bodysuit commissions. Other than the custom fursuit commissions I also offer custom kigurumis.

See my Instagram: @smallblacksticky for examples of my work.

Fursuit and kigurumi commission openings are announced on my website and social media before the opening date. Commissions are not first-come-first-served and completely chosen by me depending on what workload I can handle. Generally I pick 1-3 commissions per opening.

When commissioning me be aware that I am one person running the entire business, this can make waiting times a bit longer to ensure the best possible quality for my products.

Please read my Terms of Service thoroughly before considering a commission.

You can use my calculator for a rough estimate price on a fursuit. To the calculator

Check the status on my queue on Trello. To the commission queue

How to commission me

Read through carefully so you are fully prepared.
  • Heads up if you are allergic, I have a cat!
  • Read through my terms of service.
  • Check my current prices here.
  • The commission form will be available as a link on this page on the opening date.
  • You can apply anytime as long as the form is open. There is no first-come-first-serve so no stress sending in your submission fast.
  • You must have a proper reference sheet of your character design.
  • I review every submission after the closing date and pick who get a slot and send out an email. This might take a couple of days so don't be alarmed if you don't get it right away. If you cannot reply on this email within 48 hours you will lose your slot and someone else will be picked. Check your spam folder! Id you did not recevie an email you did not get picked.
  • Be ready to pay the 30% deposit if you get accepted!
  • If you have questions, check out my FAQ page before contacting me, thank you.

Practical Information

You can find some tips on how to make your suit stay fresh and live longer here Fursuit care

Kigurumi washing tip

Machine wash your kigurumi in 30°C max.